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Ryan Segedi  —  Webdesign  Programming  —  United States

Ryan Segedi is a still life photographer based in Chicago. To level with the bold quality of his images, we created a very minimal design. The subtle variations of size, number, and placement among the photos plays off of the static left side of the screen, similar to the way his photos seem to pulse with life despite remaining still.

  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Ryan Segedi Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
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