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Melitta Baumeister  —  Webdesign  Programming  —  United States

Melitta Baumeister is a German fashion designer based in New York. Breaking from the traditional grid layouts of e-shops, we combined a minimal, asymmetric presentation of the collection with a functional e-commerce shopfront, using WooCommerce to design a homepage that serves both needs at once. While we introduced some variation in sizing and positioning, the products remain in the same order and the menu has been reduced to a minimum, making user navigation as clear as possible.

  • Studio 24/24 Melitta Baumeister Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Melitta Baumeister Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Melitta Baumeister Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Melitta Baumeister Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
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