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Aesthetnik  —  Webdesign  Programming  —  Germany

Aesthetnik is a photographer based in Berlin. He wanted a website with as few pages as possible, so we combined the information page and menu into one intuitive navigation element that appears only when the cursor is placed at the top of the screen. Through minimal click-based navigation, the homepage creates a dialogue between two images at a time. The images can also be experienced with a white or black backdrop, changed by placing the cursor at the bottom of the screen, in order to highlight the contrast in his work.

  • Studio 24/24 Aesthetnik Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Aesthetnik Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Aesthetnik Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Aesthetnik Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
  • Studio 24/24 Aesthetnik Ondine Vermenot Antoine Enault
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